As a confidante; as a friend
Forever… etched in my heart
My love to you I send
You are someone that I treasure
A vibrant… passionate soul
You fill my world with excitement
I’ve found a love… rarely known
You give me a sense of freedom
Seldom found between woman and man
With you I’ve found compassion
You love me…as I am
You comfort me when I need you
You give me strength when I am weak
You offer words of guidance
When your wisdom… I do seek
Though miles may separate us
I never feel…alone
Your words; they touch me deeply
Though only whispered through the phone
And when we are together…
Dare I say…there is…such lust?
Passion… overtakes prudence
I can’t… resist... your touch
With you… there is honesty
No hidden agendas; no games
There are no false assumptions
Our desires… are the same
With you I’ve found true “love”
Though it’s love in a different sense
It’s a love based upon faith and trust
It’s the love… of two best friends
It’s a love that will last forever
It will stand the onslaught of time
I hope to forever hold your heart
As you will… forever…hold mine.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell