I trust him she whispers to herself
Sharing secrets held deep within
She’s never told another soul
Not even her closest friends
It’s something held deep inside
Hidden throughout the years
The catalyst for all of her pain
The root of all of her fears
Her heart beats fast within her
Does she tell him? Does she dare?
Why does she feel this need?
Her deepest secrets, with him, to share
Will he turn away from her?
Will she feel the shame?
Will her past come back to haunt her?
Will she be able to get through the pain?
Will he understand her?
Or will he walk away?
Can he deal with her emotions?
Is he here to stay?
She seems to sense a trust in him
She feels she has found the one.
Who can help her carry the burden?
He will help her overcome
She’s always been the strong one
Never allowing anyone near
To the burden that she carries
To her weakness and her fear
But now she opens up
Her total being free to share
Knowing that he’ll comfort her
Knowing he’ll still care
He’ll take her and lift her up
Higher than she’s ever been
Lighter because he’s taken away
Her burden, her self-judged sin
He’ll hold her and he’ll comfort her
He’ll wipe away every tear
He’s her savior, her knight, her confidant
Beside him, she has no fear
So to this man; her trust she will impart
She will bear her heart and soul
She will tell him of her life; her past
A place previously she dared not go.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell