My heart breaks when I think of tomorrow
Will the grief of that day never end?
I think of the lives that were taken
The magnitude…still hard to comprehend
I remember September 11
Started out just like any other day
Life in a typical workplace
Changed to memories that won’t go away
I can’t imagine being at Ground Zero
Of the sights, sounds and smells of that day
Because I know watching dumbfounded on TV
Wretched my soul; I couldn’t look away
I felt fear for the future of my country
I felt grief for the souls lost that day
I felt anguish that something like this could happen
My sense of peace brutally ripped away
It’s been years but I can’t shake the feeling
Of foreboding that comes as the day draws near
I wonder if time can truly heal this
Erase the heartache, the tears, and the fear
I ponder how any man could do this
Believe any ideal is worth so many lives
Believing that God created every living thing
To destroy another…you have no right
But you have taken the words of the Creator
And become judge, executioner, you’ve played God
You’ve become the very thing you fight against
For you’ve forgotten God’s forgiveness and love
So I guess now is the time to stand together
For all religions to practice what they preach
To forgive, pray for souls, and love our enemies
To cry, but not let hatred; our souls breach
My tears will flow as I remember tomorrow
And all that was lost on that infamous day
Knowing without doubt that I’ll never understand…
…But putting it all before God as I pray.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell