It is said in the bible that God…
Will give us no more than we can bear
But I feel my strength tested…
At the thought of you not here
I want to always hear your laughter
To see the love within your eyes
Feel the strength of you beside me
Feel your hand take hold of mine
This world will be lost without you
The thought too sad to comprehend
How will I ever live each day?
Without you; forever… my best friend
You’ve always been there to guide me
You’ve loved me with all of your heart
Accepted me… and my imperfections
Love unconditional; you would always impart
My dreams were always important to you
You were behind me every step of the way
To catch me should I stumble in my daily life
For my success and happiness… you prayed
You were happy when life was good to me
You wiped the tears whenever I would fall
You always caught my hand and lifted me
You would rescue me; taking care of all
But time and life…test our strength
Courage shown in many different ways
I know that we are in an unknown place
Afraid of what …in our future we must face
Courage and strength I still see in you
Though the body feels the onslaught of time
Bits and pieces; figuratively taken away
Yet the strength of your love will forever be mine
I know… I now must be the strength for you
Returning the love; that always you have shown
I will lift you up; in body and soul
Prepare for the journey; one must make alone
I will remember the Lord has you in His hands
His strength you will now forever share
You will still be there to comfort me
An angel holding me in times of despair
I will have faith in Him; feel the strength
That the Lord to each of us imparts
I will be strong for you; I will trust in him
Holding you both; forever; in my heart
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell