The sun is setting

Marking the end of the day

Night is upon us

As the light fades away

The sky becomes a blanket

Of  wondrous colors galore

As the moon makes her entrance

The sun shines no more

All becomes quiet

As the earth prepares to sleep

The waters become still

As the moon reaches her peak

The sun has now settled

But what an exit she did make

Taking away my breath

Beautiful colors in her wake

Knowing I’ll never forget her

And the beauty I’ve just seen

Her colors etched in my memory

No greater beauty could I dream

I close my eyes till ‘morrow

Anticipating her rise again

To see her light and guide my way

Feel her warmth upon my skin

And then another rapturous sunset

Will I be able to again behold

As the sun sets into the heavenly skies

And the moon and stars take hold


Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell


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