Prayers are whispered to Heaven
As he searches in earnest for love
Searching for his soul’s… true mate
Till she’s found; he will never give up
He has chosen and cherished hearts before her
Hoping and praying that he has found “the one”
But seeing his efforts fail; as time passes
Realizing… his search… was not yet done
He questions why the loves he has chosen
Never seem to withstand the onslaught of time
Hearts he’s treasured…and he’s protected
Were again not the love he was meant to find
He wonders if he will ever taste true love
As he remembers a girl from long ago
He lives within the love of her memory
A love he felt from the first magical hello
He dreams of her….when he dreams of true love
It is her face he sees as his eyes begin to close
She holds his heart within her fingers
“She loves me; she loves me not”; each petal of the rose
With effort he moves forward without her
Never truly understanding what went wrong
His heart sings… a lonely, yearning melody
His life empty without the beauty of her song
He reaches out searching for answers
Maybe another love will offer shelter from the pain
New beginnings; another quest for true love
So he wonders…was this his one true love?
Or is there love in his future that will come?
He prays… searching for an answer…
To his past or his future; will love succumb?
So he searches for love; for answers
He lives; for the love within his dreams
Within his past; his present; or his future
He yearns for the emotion; the joy true love brings
He will journey; carrying her love within him
Use her memory as a judge for love that’s real
Slowly opening… his heart to new love
Believing true love in time will be revealed
His heart is free; yet his heart is taken
Love is complicated; love is always insane
But love is worth the risk of… heartache
The ecstasy ….overshadows past pain
His heart… searches for that emotion
His body… craves a loving touch
His mind….moves him steadily forward
Moving slowly from the memory of past love
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell