You say you were hurt as a child
That; is not to be used as an excuse
Because if you’ve experienced the heartache; the pain
Then it’s an excuse that should never be used
How can you destroy the life of another?
Inflict that pain on another human being
When you’ve lived through the anguish; the guilt
Know the damage; the scars you’ll be leaving
We each have been given free will
We know the difference between what is right and wrong
To force another into this cycle of pain
Is a sign of weakness, not a soul that is strong
So don’t tell me stories about how you were abused
Of how you’ve lived such a hard, horrible life
Because you lived…you got through it …you survived
You could have won…if you’d done what was right
But instead you inflict evil on another
You rip…you tear another soul to shreds
You spread the deceit… the betrayal… the abuse
In truth you’d be better off dead
For in the beginning…you were innocent…you were victim
Your past …was your past…you had no choice
But now you’ve become just another monster
With an excuse…you’ve given evil a voice
I feel not for you…..but for your soul
For in the end… you will surely pay the price
Not for your past…but for your present choices
You’ll pay with your soul… at the end of this life.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell