I can’t imagine you sitting in a jail cell
I can’t imagine what you must feel
The nightmare that holds you prisoner
Wondering if this life can be real
I sit on this side questioning innocence
Hearing words that could be truth or lie
Wondering if you’re the man I’ve imagined
Or the man of these stories; devoid of pride
I’m hearing stories of a man so evil
Devoid of compassion; only out for his own gain
One who hurts and manipulates others
Taking their heart, their money, their name
I wonder…as I remember our moments
Then also… remember subtle lies
Were they precursors to an evil that would befall us?
Is there truly a dark side to your life?
Or are you innocent? Caught in a moment
Trapped by a mistake…far into your past
Good; with the heart of a gentleman
With love and generosity unmatched
Do you suffer as you sit alone; despondent?
Wondering where those you love have all gone
Where is…your rescuer…your lover?
As you sit desolate and alone
Your cell is cold and dirty
You’ve been dealt a blow; unprepared
You’re innocent; you’re calling please help me!
No one answers…you sit alone and scared
I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to leave you
I wasn’t brave enough to answer the call
I didn’t risk myself to help you
I’m praying I haven’t let you fall
I’m afraid I’ll always live this moment
Again and again in my mind
Knowing I left you when you called me
I couldn’t distinguish between truths or lie
I don’t deserve to ever love another
Because I professed love yet not knew the man
If truth or lie I can’t distinguish at this moment
I don’t ever want to fall in love again
Love is …truth of a feeling
Love is the truth of the heart
I’ve loved yet the truth eludes me
Love and my life…will forever stay apart
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell