Follows me like a shadow
Every time light shines on my life
It finds me
When the light of love surrounds me
I become anxious
Because I know loneliness will come
It is inevitable
I glimpse its darkness
Even on my brightest day
It comes in the form
Of self-doubt; of jealousy
It has planted those seeds
Through its persistence in my past
The harder I try to avoid it
The more prevalent it becomes
It manifests itself as desperation
It overtakes me
As I try to escape
Loneliness comes easy
It’s true love
That seems to slip through my fingers
Bringing forth loneliness; yet again
It thrives upon my heartache
It encompasses my soul
It will take my will if I allow it
But I am strong
I see through its darkness
And catch a glimpse of light
It is all I need
I will never concede to loneliness
I will fight even unto my last breath
Loneliness may win a few battles
But I will win the war
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell