I am proud …you are serving your country
You’ve chosen this life…to protect those you love
You’ve grown from a boy into a soldier
Protection comes from brother and God above
You’ve learned to put your trust in those around you
You’ve been trained to depend on your fellow man
Trust his skills and the ethos of the military
Knowing each will give the best…that he can
Your mission is to protect and defend this country
Orders will be followed; no matter the pain
The lives of others put before your own life
Even though through the risks; YOU…see no gain
You will fight for what is right without reservation
You will never admit defeat…you will not quit
For you have the strength of every soldier within you
Defeat… as an option…you will not admit
You will fight…you will gain strength in those around you
You are “one”…your beliefs and goals the same
You carry those that may stumble among you
You honor the fallen; remembering… each name
I am proud of my son…of my soldier
I am proud you honor this country and my beliefs
That you stand for every right that is allowed me
That my freedom is used daily without grief
For in this world there are so many that are held hostage
In our world …held captive by the laws of their land
Not able to speak freely or worship God in the open
Family or self tortured or killed; should they take a stand
This freedom; this life so many take for granted
Is never “free”; but bought by the soldier; by the man
Bought by the blood and the sweat of… “My soldier”
A son; a man... before…the soldier’s life began
You are soldier; you are warrior; you are defender
But in my heart…you will always be…the child I love
I will always… pray for God to protect you
As you honor our country; our freedom; and God above.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell