Love… can last for a lifetime
Though today it is so hard to find
Forever is promised in vows of the heart
Then disappears amidst difficult times
But occasionally “forever” is given
By the heart and the soul of a man
His life ends in the arms of his family
His last breath whispering “I am”
Our Savior spoke these words as an answer
When asked to explain… who He was
“I Am”….Simple yet profound
“I Am” everything on earth and Above
I am Father, I am Son, and I am Savior
To all who will love me; all I hold dear
I will love, I will honor, and I will protect you
Carry your burdens; dry your tears
“I am” was whispered that day to the Heavens
By one that followed the footsteps of the Son
He was “everything” on this earth to his family
God whispers in his ear: “son…well done”
He fought earthly battles with faith and courage
Questioning “why”; but knowing God was near
Trusting in His love and in His Divine purpose
Trusting …and moving forward… without fear
He rests now in the arms of his heavenly family
His Father has him home; his purpose is done
He watches those he loves; he awaits them in Heaven
Knowing for each; a new life has begun
His heart is with the one he loved “forever”
His wish was granted; as he took his last breath
For a day without her in his life he could not fathom
A love that lives on…untouched even by death
His children are grown; his love still surrounds them
His legacy of compassion and strength will live on
His laughter and humor will never be forgotten
His heart beats within the hearts of his sons
“I am what I was meant to be; my life was with purpose
I loved a lifetime…I know I was blessed
I know my love will live on through my family
As I lay me down on this final day of rest.”
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell
For my Tia Frances and family in memory of my Tio Udy