Why does love hurt?
Why does it always end in pain?
Why am I always left crying?
Yet go through it again and again?
Why do I allow my heart to soften?
To forget the hurt and the lies
Why can’t I just move forward?
Let go the fantasy of matrimonial ties
For love always leaves my heart broken
Though a different time; a different man
Crying over lies and deception
Shattering, breaking the woman I am
I cry when the dream is broken
I cry when the love is gone
When truth is no longer spoken
When I realize again!… I was wrong
I cry for the future without you
I cry for the love sought in vain
Memories that will come back to haunt me
When I think of you again and feel pain
I want to let go of this feeling
Forget you… no matter the cost
Stop crying every time I remember
Stop feeling the pain of love lost
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell