I heard a quote today
“Live as if you were dying”
The meaning pierced my heart
As the words touched my brain
You see…I was thinking of all I needed to do
All the little things crammed into my day
Things that I felt I must accomplish
Now seemed insignificant; viewed in a different way
I thought about what those chores truly accomplished
Did they serve a purpose other than just to have them done?
Was that truly what I would do with my life?
If I knew that at days end death would come
Suddenly my world changed before me
The sky seemed bluer; the grass seemed more green
There was beauty in everything around me
I saw before me what moments before had been unseen
I thought of those that I loved and treasured
I thought of those that I’d left in my past
I thought of all the blessings I’d been bestowed in my life
I thought of desires I always seemed to put last
Saving those dreams for another day; another time
A time I finally realized…offered no guarantees
I always assumed I had “the rest of my life”
Never thanking God for every moment I breathed
My new vow will be…not to waste my life’s song
To think about what is important to me every morning as I wake
I’ll keep life’s little disappointments in perspective
Being thankful I’m alive to enjoy each new day
I want… to touch the lives of others
I want to be remembered when I am gone
I want to live life always reaching forward
Not regretting all the things I think I’ve done wrong
I want to forgive all of those…that have hurt me
As I would ask forgiveness if I’ve done the same
I want to dwell on life’s pleasures and beauty
Look back on my life without sorrow or shame
If I should die at the end of tomorrow
I know I’ll die with a heart that is true
True to myself and true to my Creator
To truly LIVE my life
It’s what I know I must do
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell