I feel that I’ve known you a lifetime

Even though I know we’ve just met

Your words in my mind seem to linger

Your face in my dreams; I can’t forget

Your words fall on my ears as poetry

Your heart speaks of commitment and of trust

You show no fear of emotions within you

You seek the rewards of true love; not of lust

You are a gentleman and I am your lady

You are Prince Charming; in a fairy tale

You treat me as if I were a princess

You are my knight; guarding my heart without fail

You are gentle; with you I can be fragile

All my weakness and fears to lay bare

For you are true to yourself; a man of honor

You are a treasure both priceless and rare

You show strength; quite and unpretentious

You will protect all that you hold dear

You are a shield from all that would harm us

Beside you we can face the world without fear

You are a man with a heart of compassion

If I cry you will wipe the tears from my eyes

You will hold me, lift me up, and console me

You will take what is wrong in my world and make it right

I ask myself what I have done to deserve you

Has God finally… sent the answer to my prayers?

For a man with your soul; the richest possession

There is no worldly treasure that compares

Tonight as I whisper words to heaven

Your name on my lips… God will hear

As I count all the blessings He has bestowed me

He’ll know your heart is the one I hold most dear


Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell


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