My dearest Lord
I place my soldier within your hands
Please protect him… and guide him
While he is deployed within foreign lands
I trust in You; in Your covenant of love
And pray always that Your will be done
But my dreams haunt me as I attempt sleep
As a mother’s heart fears for a beloved son
My faith is not diminished by the emotions I feel
I know you understand this purest love
And I know my son will be home again
Within my world… or within heaven above
My soul finds comfort as I whisper Your name
Knowing Your hand rests upon my son
In the knowledge that he is never alone
He is always in the presence of the Most Holy One
I seek from You: Father… the gift of time
Of allowing more moments to be shared
There is always so much that seems undone
So many more “I love you”s still undeclared
But my dearest Lord; it is well with my soul
And I will trust in You... in whatever is to come
As I place my most precious treasure in Your hands
I give you my soldier; my heart; my son.
Written by TaVona S Treadwell for Maureen…as moms of soldiers we all share the same fears