I’m Sorry…
Such simple words…so much meaning
Trying to hide the shame; the regret
Of words or actions that have hurt you
Do they make a difference?
Do they make the pain any less?
Or are they just words to make ME feel better
Will I truly be forgiven with those words?
My mind says yes
But my heart knows better
It knows that words cannot erase…
What hurt you
That to be forgiven does not mean
The pain is forgotten
It only means it is pushed away…
For the moment
But will be brought forth again…
In times of distress
It’s just the way it is…
I’m sorry…I really am
The soul seeks solace
The mind allows it…
But pain has its own defense
Cumulating into a wall…
That will never be totally broken down
So I know I must make it up to you
Creating hills of beauty…
Of soft green grass and fragment flowers
The can extend over the wall
So that when I reach out…
I can touch you…
The beauty that I build around you
Must overcome the pain
That I have caused within you
I want you to see love
When you look in my eyes
And remember not …
The pain
I love you
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell