I never had your heart
I only had your empty words
Bits and pieces of you
That you threw to me
Like scraps to a dog
You wanted me to believe
I was special
That with me
You were willing to share
When in reality
There is nothing
Of you to give
You are empty
Devoid of truth
You use your charm
Your words
To seduce
The mind and body
With no regards
To the woman’s soul
You proceed with abandon
With recklessness
Irregardless of the havoc
You will cause
Of the heartache
That follows
In your wake
Do you have no conscience?
Have words become
Only a means to an end
Devoid of any meaning
Of any sincerity
Do you know truth at all?
Someone unable to be honest
With others
Is also unable to be honest
With themselves
What truths are you hiding from?
I am sad
For you
More than for myself
For a life devoid of truth
Is a life devoid
Of true love
Of any true happiness
You will
In the end
Have lived a lifetime
Without truly
Having lived
At all
Written By TaVona Salaz Treadwell