I’m missing you…
But I feel your presence in my heart
Though there may be many miles between us
Only in body are we apart
I feel your love…
It surrounds me and keeps me safe
Though I may not feel your lips or the touch of your hand
I desire no other to take your place
I feel the trust…
The virtue that seems so hard to find
Shared by the two of us without thought; without reservation
It protects the heart; comforts the mind
I feel desire…
For the touch of your lips upon my skin
I close my eyes…and allow the dream to overtake me
Hoping the fantasy never ends
I feel love…
In a way different from the past
I love the sense of freedom that I have found with you
My heart is safe at last
I feel lonely…
But know that you are worth the pain
Of longing for someone who cannot be with me
Of emotion that can’t be explained
My Love…
Holds me captive; chains my heart
Keeps our souls bound together as one
Though the world keeps us apart
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell