How will you be remembered?
A question seldom given much thought
Too busy living our daily lives
Time for reflection is naught
But today is farewell to one that has passed
He’s been called by the Father above
He is missed by his friends; they tell stories of his life
Stories told with tenderness and love
He is remembered for his strength and commitment
To friends; and all he held dear
He is remembered for his courage as he fought for his life
Courage that never wavered though he knew death drew near
Danny…you will always be remembered
Your memory will live on through your friends
Though your soul may be in the arms of our Father above
A life remembered…never truly ends
Tears flow because the world is without you
Your wondrous life many will never know
Except shared through the stories of love and laughter
Stories that deserve to be retold
So Danny…I feel blessed to have known you
If only through words spoken by a dear friend
One that truly loved and respected you
One that will ensure your memory never ends
We can only pray as we face that moment
When death calls us to the Father above
That we leave behind a celebration of our life
Remembered forever by all those that we’ve loved
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell---dedicated to Danny Constable…a friend through the words of another.