As I close my eyes… tonight
I pray for release from emotions of today
The anger and hurt that crowd my heart
As today’s events in my mind are replayed
Emotion… seems to overtake me
I pray for strength…… to “let go”
Free myself of the sting of words spoken
To free myself of anger’s grip on my soul
I pray for strength… from my Father
His comfort I seek as I pray tonight
The bitterness will depart from this body
And my soul will renew with morning’s light
I pray for strength…to have a Christian spirit
As tomorrow I will face these battles again
I pray to emulate His love and His forgiveness
To hold my tongue and feel His spirit within
I pray for strength…to continue my journey
To persevere amidst injustice faced each day
To be His pearl; a beautiful soul within this body
To allow his presence in my life to be displayed
Written by TaVona S Treadwell