I feel the wind…caressing my body
I feel the wind flowing through my hair
The world does not encumber us
We ride; free …from worldly cares
I have my arms wrapped around you
Feel protected by mere touch
Allowing the wheel to be our compass
Not caring where this journey ends up
For we are free; within our trust of each other
We are free in our trust of the road
We breathe in the excitement of the journey
The thrill of each; promising pleasure untold
The future lies hidden before us
Dependent on the roads we will choose
Curves and bumps a part of the journey
Our bodies adapt; together we won’t lose
We have freedom; we have hearts that are open
Strengthened by respect and by trust
We have found…someone to share life’s journey
No longer distracted by loneliness or lust
Life’s road is now open before us
We are strong; we are balanced; we are one
Our destination is “where ever the wheel leads us”
For together any obstacle will be overcome
Forever will we feel the wind around us
Travelling… upon the road that never ends
Our journey limitless; guided by love's freedom
My arms around my lover, my confidant, my friend
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell