I’ve always been told to set a good example
In the presence of people not well known
For first impressions stay with you forever
You are remembered by the conduct you’ve shown
We tend to forget… to be an example
To those we love; those we hold most dear
Our “true colors” flow forth… too freely
Once the need to impress is no longer near
But I have been honored to meet an “example”
A friend that lives… everyday the same
Holding true to her morals and standards
At night knowing she’s honored His name
She is free with her strength and her wisdom
She gives freely of her hands and her mind
She is the first to offer her assistance
A more giving heart I challenge you to find
We would do well to follow her “example”
To offer… with no expectation of reward
To lead… a life… serving others
Following the example of a friend following the Lord
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell