“He suffered; died; and was buried”
Within prayers…I’ve recited the line
Repetition without understanding the meaning
How could He suffer? He was Spirit Divine
But now…as I ponder the significance
As I realize He “truly” became man
He would feel with a human mind and body
He could feel fear… and suffer; as I can
On His knees He prays in the garden
Calling out…to His Father above
With the knowledge of a future foreboding
He relinquishes His will; for the souls He so loves
How it must feel; the anguish; the torment
Possessing the knowledge of betrayal to come
Knowing those He loves will turn against Him
To fear and persecution His loved ones succumb
His body will suffer horrific torture
Brutal inhumanity; He is forced to endure
Though His body is beaten and battered
The Spirit perseveres; the Spirit remains pure
As blood flows from His mangled body
He washes each of my inequities away
Giving hope for a life…eternal
Through His suffering; my debt He does pay
He hangs from the cross; my innocent Shepherd
He suffers; the body yearning for death
“They know not what they do” He whispers to His Father
Beseeching forgiveness even unto His last breath
“It is done” His final words are those of power
Prophecy fulfilled; through the sacrifice of the Son
Resurrected; to become one with the Father
A new promise; a new covenant is begun
My lips will speak prayers with new sincerity
Empathy and understanding; within the words I say
Easter; His sacrifice has new meaning
My heart is now one with the words that I pray.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell