Do I trust… your words?
Though previously you chose to deceive
Apologies are… but words
Only meaningful if I choose to believe
You swear you speak the truth this time
You’ve begun your life anew; trying to make amends
Do I open my life to you? Open my heart?
Trust you now… even as a friend?
Trust is such a fragile gift
Once broken; never truly to be whole
Maybe mended; with contrite heart and time
But doubt replaces the trust that you stole
My soul is in a constant struggle now
Trying to rid itself of this doubt
Believing in the goodness of you
Hoping… your demons have been driven out
Everyone deserves a second chance
If remorse is felt for mistakes of the past
But remorse must be true from the heart
For the trust that I give to you… to truly last
Only time will tell if I can trust you again
If I can let the wrongs…of our past… go
God allows forgiveness for every sin
My forgiveness… you’ve already known
But my heart is part of my human form
And betrayal is hard to forget
It lingers; it never truly lets go
Its bitterness I taste upon my lips
For I sincerely speak words that are true
I wish you happiness, forgiveness, and love
But my mind clouds those words with mistrust
And I pray strength will be given from above
For I want… to trust you again.
To honor… every word that you say
To believe that God… has your heart
And deception will no longer be played.
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell