Why does this life seem so complicated?
We deal with uncertainty every day
Always second-guessing ourselves and others
Afraid to move forward lest we go the wrong way
We speak words that come from the heart
Yet careful to say only what we feel others want to hear
We omit the words that might hurt another
The silence changes the hurt into fear
For sometimes we hear more when words are unspoken
The truth becomes clear in the silence
Instead of expressing our feelings with clarity
The other hears doubt and defiance
Defiance of emotions that on the surface seem true
But deep within us are in conflict and pain
Words unspoken breed jealousy and doubt
As one grapples with his own self-esteem
For we each have a fear of being hurt
Of being left with our hearts open wide
It’s as if we feel we don’t deserve to be loved
A feeling hidden deep, but prevails; nonetheless inside
Why do we possess this insanity?
That in each relationship casts jealousy and doubt
For we each bring gifts to the table
To someone; we are the one they can’t live without
I guess because life seems so complicated
We are forced to make decisions everyday
That love becomes another decision we make
We decide who to leave and who should stay
We decide when the timing is right
We decide who will be best suited to our life
We attempt to manipulate our future
By choosing the one that we feel will be right
Love though; defies all the rules of man
It can’t be thought of in a logical sense
It’s a question that defies all answers
Only quieting once all emotion is spent
So to hell with thinking about love’s future
Maybe in reality; we shouldn’t think at all
Just let love guide us in its own direction
Not worry about how hard…we may fall
Just enjoy every moment love gives us
Appreciate everyone it brings into our lives
Accept each gift each new love brings us
Not worry about whether it’s wrong or right
Maybe then, if there’s no worry about a future
We’ll open our hearts to everyone we meet
Not hold back our emotions or desires
And give ourselves with no fear of defeat
Maybe then when we’re true to ourselves
When nothing is hidden or tucked quietly away
Our open souls will be a beacon for true love
Love without fear; love destined to stay
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell