Christmas lights shine with color iridescent
Ornaments hang on trees fragrant and green
The scent of cookies and sweet delicacies baking
Anticipation of “goodies” seen and unseen
Bows and Christmas wrapping bound together
Tinsel and garland adorn halls and stairs
Mistletoe hangs over the doorway entrance
The smell of cinnamon and clove… fills the air
Families reunite to share in the season
Memories are made; stories are told
Families sit… and share with one another
Christmas spirit… warms hearts young and old
Bedtime nears; children become more excited
Thoughts of Santa and reindeer fill their heads
They fight against sleep to meet dear Santa
Knowing toys overflow from his magical sled
Innocence and belief are abundant at Christmas
Hearts open wide to the wonder Christmas brings
A season to celebrate those we love and Jesus
Remembering His birth makes possible; all things
Christmas angels tell us the wondrous story
Of the birth of our Savior; a gift given in love
Wrapped as our present in swaddling clothing
His Christmas bow; the northern star above
All that is asked; other than to accept Him
Is remember His name amidst the Christmas rush
Remember to see Him within the “Christmas beauty”
Accepting the “Gift of Salvation” given to each of us
Maybe the warm comfort felt within this season
Is not brought forth from things that glitter and shine
But is felt because we stop and feel His love within us
Allowing His presence and our souls to intertwine
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell