I feel anger’s stormy winds around me
Swirling within; feelings of disgust
My mind… is filled with fury
Release it somehow; I know I must
Anger strikes out at those nearest
Usually attacking those we love most
They feel the burn of words misspoken
Pain inflicted on any daring to be close
The world seems to be against me
As I see everything wrong in my life
I see only the darkness that is anger
I see no future; I see no light
I cannot escape this demon within me
I feel only the storm within my soul
I fight… to overcome him
But this demon will… not let go
I strike out at all around me
Regret only feeding the anger within
My body is engaged in battle
Anger victorious; claims the win
Whispering; that anger protects me
Without him… fear would win
It would grab hold; have me cowering
Anger is strength; anger is friend
My heart beats hard within me
Emotions’ confirming this is true
My mind…is filled with conflict
Grappling with emotions it must subdue
Anger… has won this battle
Causing pain… and regret
But I endure; I will persevere!
Screaming “This war isn’t over yet!”
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell