Your voice; your words; seem to linger
Long after… I’ve hung up the phone
I’m smiling; remembering the laughter
Long after the conversation has gone
It’s funny knowing your voice as I answer
Knowing “you”; yet not “knowing” the man
Wondering as we speak of one day meeting
If you’re intrigued; excited…as I am
Time… has seemed to deepen the friendship
That could’ve easily; slowly… fizzled out
Without touch… without physical contact
Time wasted?...... a legitimate doubt
But your voice alone; has created memories
Of sharing dreams and ideals with a friend
Finding a spirit…so close to my own
Sharing a bond; not allowing it to end
I treasure the moments you share with me
There is a place in my life; you belong
You are more than a “voice”; you are part of me
My “love” for you will always stay strong
I believe… that each of us is significant
In the lives of those…that we “meet”
We fulfill a need; we are nourishment
Sometimes the “food”; sometimes only the seed
Your spirit…though far away…touches me
Your words…your laughter…I hold dear
You capture my heart when you speak to me
Far away…yet always…so near
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell