My heart is in turmoil
My emotions unsure
Insecurity envelops me
Disease without cure
Jealousy overtakes me
As my soul seeks to hide
Attempting to decipher
What I’m feeling inside
Passion has been tasted
From the lips of a friend
Now my heart is weary
As I’m without you again
There are no ties that bind you
To be jealous…I have no right
But my heart is torn and bruised
Knowing you sleep with her tonight
Intimacy has many levels
Physical touch is only one
Is your intimacy shared between us?
Yet the heart... already won
I question your intentions
Are they honest? Are they pure?
Or have I been too trusting?
Intimacy offered; a sexual lure
Am I tearing myself to pieces?
Sharing; offering myself…my best
Grasping for… “Intimacy”
Yet HER head rests upon your chest
Are we friends… that are intimate?
Are we intimate…in truth?
Physical passion by definition
Equals intimacy… only in youth
For what she possesses is deeper
As you lie next to her…in her bed
My heart aches but comprehends
To this truth… I’m finally led
So as a friend I will stand beside you
For your actions reveal your hearts voice
Your heart lies in the bed of another
My heart …will honor your choice
For I value your spirit; your goodness
I will be with you; always as your friend
My heart; always in your possession
A promise of “intimacy” that will not end
Written by TaVona Salaz Treadwell